Tuesday, November 8, 2016

holy crap! It's almost closing time

A lot of time has passed since we uploaded some pics of the progress but man has it gone so fast. We have been busy checking the site but also preparing to move. The house will come with a range, OTR microwave, and dishwasher but we have to get the refrigerator, washer and dryer. One of the things that we love about the house is that we have a laundry room upstairs. This allows us to pick the best W/D for us instead of worrying about fitting something in the space. What we REALLY like is the fact that it is UPSTAIRS! No lugging clothes to the basement and then bringing them back up.

We bought our ceiling fans for the family room and our bedroom. We made sure to get one with a remote control for our bedroom (no getting up to turn off the light!) Our blades are dark and we picked brushed nickel to match our other fixtures.  The most exciting part is that we picked paint colors for the bathrooms, study and an accent wall in the loft. We were adamant about painting early because we knew that if we didn't then we wouldn't ever do it.

We stuck with SW colors that compliment our main color SW Accessible Beige and white trim. SW has a palette called Liveable Luxe that gives you many shades to pick from that coordinate. Meet our colors (not my photos, credit to owners):

SW Silvermist for bathrooms
SW Expressive Plum (with Accessible Beige)
SW Softened Green for Study
We are extremely excited. Now we are waiting to close and that part is full of paperwork, deadlines, appraisals and more paperwork. Our lease is up at our apt on Nov 23rd so we are crossing fingers that it is all done by then and that we will spend Thanksgiving in our new home. One of the things we did was to get a 3rd party inspection and we were very please to find that the things that were recommended to be fixed were not big structural things but rather small now but could be bigger later if not corrected. We have our walk-through soon (TOMORROW!) and we are so excited to be homeowners!

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