Thursday, August 18, 2016

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

We had some serious progress happening at the house as we have gone from two trees in an overgrown lot to a fully framed out house! after the basement was poured and the first and second floors framed there was a bit of a lull as it was raining every single day for pretty much a week. Karina and I just kept looking outside with a sad look on our faces knowing that everything was getting soaked.

Of course we ran straight to the internet and searched all topics on raining while building a house and guess happens all the time lol! Duh! and trees spend their entire lives outside getting wet or snowed on and they still grow...who knew?!? The wood is treated so it would take a LOT of raining to get the wood rotting. Also the insulation they use ThermoPly Blue is meant to stand up to the rain.

On a different note, we did get answers about the fence and the broken light post that is right outside our house. they do plan to replace the planks (again) once our house is built. We hope that once there are more houses in the development and the people passing through realize they are cutting through yards that they will be less likely to take out the planks. Apparently, the light post is the responsibility of the city so we will definitely be reaching out to them about getting the light fixed.

First floor framed

Second floor framed

inside shots

Bay window

upstairs before the roof

Just look at how much has been done since our first post! They cleared out some of the trees and overgrown brush in the back and we were able to appreciate the size of the backyard a little more. The thing we liked about the lot (that completely had us ignoring the train) is that the backyard was a good size. We thought that we would have more of the communal fence to use but we saw that it actually only comes to about 6-7 planks (not a lot at all) so we will likely end up fencing the entire property ourselves. Always be prepared to spend more money, Homeownership, yay!

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