Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Things to think other words more ways to spend $$$

Neither of us have ever been homeowners or built anything so we are certainly out of the frying pan and into the fire on this one. There are things that you don't even think about that start to come to light from other people who have built, when you're just talking it out, or Pinterest. Some of the things that we realize that we will need are:

At the lot with our fur babies: Snoopy the Jack Russell and Lucy the Pug.
  1. Washer 
  2. Dryer
  3. Refrigerator
  4. Window treatments
  5. Fence
  6. Alarm system
  7. New locks/keys
  8. Lawnmower 
These are the things that we need immediately because they impact our immediate day to day life. We need clean clothes, we need to eat and we need to block out any peeping toms and to keep our dogs safe from the train. As we started adding up costs we realized that we will likely need an additional $8-10,000 depending on the cost of everything but mainly the fence. Who knew fences were so expensive?!?! (clue: we did NOT lol). We are definitely hoping to catch a holiday sale since we will likely be done around Nov-Dec.

Because our house is likely to be finished in the winter, we will likely not be able to have sod placed. If it can't be placed then they will put down hay to keep the mud from getting out of control. This is important for us since the dogs will be going out. The other thing that can be affected by our house being finished in the winter is the fact that we might not be able to dig for the fence to be put up. We want the fence for privacy as well as to help block out sound from the train (there will be an entirely different post to discuss the train noise attack plan). 

As we have been looking around on the internet, one of the things that has been repeated over and over is the need to replace the locks after the house is finished. This is important when you have contractors and subcontractors working and many of them have keys. Since you never know who has access to your home, the recommendation is to change the locks and get new keys. We are also looking into our options for home protection and we found some wireless options that seem to have fewer strings attached than the traditional options. One of the things that we received is an August bluetooth smart lock thanks to Karina's cousin/sister and her husband. I love technology (we are definitely getting a Nest thermometer) but I can totes see the wife struggling with this one. Maybe one day we will automate the whole house...
Here we are at the lot with the fam and our first house gift the August SmartLock

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